The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has issued a warning regarding the threat posed by North Korean cybercriminals toward the crypto industry. The FBI published a public service announcement, highlighting the "complex and elaborate" social engineering schemes by North Korea that target employees in decentralized finance (DeFi) and digital asset companies.

The advisory describes how cyber criminals from North Korea are using in-depth tactics to steal digital assets. These methods include a deep level of research before conducting attacks, allowing the criminals to hone in on specific individuals within the DeFi and Web3 space. Social media platforms are a primary source for attackers to gain crucial information on potential victims' backgrounds and interests.

The FBI is urging crypto firms to be on high alert, as North Korean actors use convincing, personalized social engineering tactics to access networks and steal company crypto. This latest warning comes amid a growing number of crypto scams linked to North Korea, underscoring the need for heightened vigilance and robust security measures within the industry.


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