The Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (ASI) has issued a statement advocating for the decentralization of cloud infrastructure in the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI). The ASI Alliance believes that centralized cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, pose multiple vulnerabilities, including risks of a single point of failure.

In a Q&A with Cointelegraph, Humayun Sheikh, CEO of and chairman of the ASI Alliance, explained that centralized cloud structures are "vulnerable to cyberattacks or outages." The ASI Alliance believes that a decentralized cloud system would be more resilient and secure, but it also acknowledges the obstacles to its establishment, including "regulatory and governance issues" due to the nature of decentralized networks and their lack of "centralized oversight."

The call for decentralized cloud infrastructure in AI development comes as the industry grapples with the challenges of ensuring both security and innovation in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. The ASI Alliance's stance highlights the importance of addressing these issues to safeguard the future of AI technology.


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