The Ethereum roadmap is under sustained criticism, with some claiming the blockchain is "dying" as it is beaten by Bitcoin as "ultra-sound money" and outperformed by faster and cheaper transactions from Solana.

Fee revenue for the Ethereum layer 1 has "collapsed" by 99% in the past six months as "extractive L2s" steal user activity, transactions and fees, while paying virtually nothing back to the base layer.

This has made ETH slightly inflationary again, with its price sliding. The L2s are siloed from one another, each having a financial incentive to maximize its own revenue at the expense of ETH.

However, key figures in the Ethereum ecosystem believe that with a few course corrections to its roadmap, Ethereum can get to 10 million transactions per second (TPS) within the next 10 years, which they say is "enough for the whole world" and could lead to a multitrillion-dollar market cap.


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