HTX has launched its Telegram Mini App, the first platform to offer peer-to-peer (P2P) trading directly through the popular messaging app. This marks a significant step forward in making crypto trading more accessible, particularly for users still navigating the transition from Web2 to Web3 technologies.

By embedding its P2P trading services within Telegram, HTX aims to streamline the trading experience, allowing users to execute transactions without needing to switch between multiple apps or websites. The new Mini App offers an intuitive interface that caters to both novice traders and seasoned crypto enthusiasts.

HTX's move into Telegram is part of a broader trend in the crypto space: the increasing convergence of traditional internet services (Web2) and blockchain-based ecosystems (Web3). By meeting users where they already are—on widely used platforms like Telegram—HTX is banking on the idea that seamless integration will encourage more people to explore decentralized finance (DeFi) and digital assets.

To boost engagement and mark the launch of its Mini App, HTX is rolling out a series of promotions that could entice users to give the platform a try. From mystery box giveaways to referral bonuses, HTX is offering up to 10,000 USDT in rewards for those who participate in P2P trades through the Mini App.


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