Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has spoken out for the first time since his arrest in France in August. In his public message, Durov shared his surprise at being detained by French authorities, and pointed out that Telegram has a legal representative in France to handle regulatory matters. He also stated that French authorities had several ways to contact him, as he is a French citizen and a regular visitor to the French Consulate in Dubai, which made the arrest unnecessary.

Durov also stated that the company is ready to leave markets that oppose the principles of free speech and expression. He made it very clear that Telegram's mission is not financially motivated but driven by a desire to protect basic human rights, especially in regions where they are being undermined. Additionally, Durov criticized the decision to charge him personally rather than targeting the company.

Meanwhile, Binance founder CZ is banned for life from managing the exchange, and new information surfaced that proves Ryan Salame is linked to an FTX bribery scandal. In the UK, protecting investors seems like an afterthought to many new crypto companies as almost 90% of crypto firms have failed to gain FCA approval in the UK due to insufficient fraud and money laundering controls.


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