Telegram founder Pavel Durov has finally broken his silence since his high-profile arrest in France in August. In a message broadcast to his public Telegram channel, Durov expressed his surprise at the arrest, stating that Telegram has an official representative in the European Union who handles all regulatory requests and law enforcement inquiries.

Durov, a French citizen, claimed that the French authorities had multiple avenues to reach him without resorting to arresting him, and that he was a regular guest at the French Consulate in Dubai. The Telegram founder also stated that the company is fully prepared to leave jurisdictions that are hostile to Telegram's purported mission of free speech and expression.

Durov was critical of France's decision to charge him personally rather than taking action against the company. He also declined diplomatic assistance, indicating that Telegram is willing to stand its ground against regulatory pressure. The Telegram founder's statement sheds light on the ongoing tension between the messaging platform and authorities over issues of privacy and free expression.


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