Gleb Kostarev, a former vice president and regional head at Binance, believes Telegram could be key in bringing cryptocurrency to a wider audience. Speaking at Korea Blockchain Week, Kostarev told Cointelegraph that his new Telegram Mini App, a tap-to-earn game and exchange called Blum, has 50 million registered users, half of whom are newcomers to crypto.

According to Kostarev, mass adoption for Web3 is happening through Telegram: "There were always some questions about whether this audience on Telegram can be converted to Web3. Those users are real, and they can go to exchanges, they can register, they can become Web3 users."

Tap-to-earn games have become a massive boom, with even leading crypto exchanges like OKX launching their own versions. OKX Racer, launched in July, hit one million players in the first 24 hours, demonstrating the epic growth of this trend.


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