The text discusses how the Pi Network, a cryptocurrency app that allows users to "mine" Pi coins by tapping a button, has become addictive for some people, including the author's own father. While the app does not require any monetary investment, critics have accused the project of being a scam or pyramid scheme, citing its unusual Know Your Customer requirement and the absence of a tradable product on the open market.

The article features the story of YSM, a South Korean college student whose father, who owns a fried chicken restaurant, is convinced that Pi Network is the "next Bitcoin." YSM, however, harbors doubts about the project's legitimacy, and the disagreement over the app has led to arguments and fights between them.

The text also provides background information on how the Pi Network works, explaining that users can earn Pi by tapping a "mine" button daily and inviting friends to join the app. The mining rate can be increased by completing specific tasks, such as downloading a separate browser app. The project has faced accusations of being a scam or pyramid scheme, despite not requiring any financial investment from its users.


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